Remember to Keep Learning and Developing

Author: Maaike Ammerlaan, Conference Sales and Services Manager, University of  British Columbia, Okanagan campus

It is that time of year again where we look back at our summer season and make plans for the next year. And sometimes it is hard to come up with new ideas and initiatives to grow our business. Hard to stay fresh, motivated and focussed.

We had the privilege of hosting Chris Hadfield, the Canadian “singing astronaut” through our Distinguished Speakers Series at UBC Okanagan campus. The event (which was free to attend) sold out within an hour and live feeds were set-up to lecture theaters around campus to accommodate all the people that would like to see and hear him speak, even if they could not be in the same room with him.

Being so interesting, having so much accomplished and still being so humble and personable was what most people took away from the event. He had to train hard (25 years in total and 5 years just to be able to be in space for 6 months), but he told the kids that were present that when you have a dream, to stick with it and work hard to get there. Find your passion and go for it.

Interesting people, like Chris Hadfield, inspire you, make you think about what you are doing, make you focus again on what you are passionate about and give you the courage to make changes if needed.   As we reflect on our conference season, about what went well and where we can improve, we should maybe reflect on ourselves as well. What is it I am good at, what do I do best? Where can I improve in my work and as a person? Am I using my energy in the right way or should I take the time to regroup and refocus?  

We are working in an environment where learning and development are key, and that is what makes our jobs so interesting. Let’s not forget to check in with our selves once in a while and make sure we keep learning and developing. Try to be that interesting person that is focussed and passionate about what he/she is doing and go for it.

Maaike Ammerlaan, Conference Sales and Services Manager, University of  British Columbia, Okanagan campus
Telephone: 250-807-9804

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