Let’s Talk About Blogging

Author: Caitlyn  Dixon, Conference Coordinator, Dalhousie University Faculty of Agriculture

Let’s talk about blogging, shall we?

Last year at our regional meeting in February, as I passed around the sign-up sheet for the blog, I was met with a little apprehension.  People were unsure what the blog was all about and I was met with a lot of “I don’t know what to write about” (I’ll admit, I was with them). 

That’s the beauty of blogs, you can really write about whatever you want.  Blogs are great for generating discussion, education, inspiring new ideas, and sometimes just for reassurance that other people are dealing with the same issues, frustrations and triumphs as you. 

I’ve recently started searching the web for other blogs by people who work in the hospitality industry.  While a lot of the ones that I’ve come across are mostly authored by those in the hotel industry, there is still a lot of great info that can be used in university operations. 

Here are a few that I’ve checked out lately:




I encourage you to do a blog search and to spread the word about the great one we have created!

Caitlyn  Dixon, Conference Coordinator, Dalhousie University Faculty of Agriculture
Telephone: 902-893-4122
Email: caitlyn.dixon@dal.ca


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